Rules for In-Person Worship
As we prepare to return to our Sanctuary space for weekly Sunday 9:30am worship, please read these new rules adopted for everyone's safety.
We are excited to have returned to our sanctuary for worship. There will be one worship at 9:30 AM. The service will still be available online and on the radio. The following rules must be followed so that everyone attending feels safe.
Entering the church (Masks are required along with social distancing)
Use the Sunday School doors on the north and south side of the new addition to enter the building. The elevator is closest to the south doors.
The Sunday school doors will be unlocked at 9:15. All other entrances will be locked.
Greeters will be at both entrances to check your temperature. Please remain at home if you are feeling unwell or have any COVID-like symptoms.
Masks are required upon entry and hand sanitizer will be available at both entrances.
Proceed up the staircases closest to your entrance using social distancing. If necessary, you may use the elevator. Only one person (or family unit) will be allowed in the elevator. The elevator will be sanitized before returning to the entrance level.
Continue to move towards the main sanctuary using the office hallway.
Ushers will be at the double doors into the sanctuary to guide you. Seating will be directed by the ushers starting with the front pews of the sanctuary.
Our church sanctuary capacity is set up for 50 people using social distancing.
During Worship
Masks are required and must be worn properly on your face.
Social distance seating will be directed by the ushers. Family groups may sit together if they arrive together. The swim noodles have been placed on the pews as social distancing guides. Please do not move them.
There will be no group singing, recitations or prayers. We have been advised that singing, reciting scripture and praying together poses a risk.
You may “hum” along with the music.
You may read silently along with the scripture and prayers.
Communion will not be served at this time.
Offering plates will not be passed but you may leave your offering at the sanctuary entrance/exit. Baskets will be clearly designated for this purpose. Online giving is also available through our website.
Only the hallway bathroom by the Church Office will be open for use. Please self-sanitize the area after each use. Wipes and sanitizer products will be in the bathroom for your use.
After Worship
Remain seated until the ushers dismiss your pew.
Dismissal will begin with those sitting in the back of the sanctuary.
Exit using the reverse direction of your entrance.
Use only the north and south Sunday school doors to exit the building.
Please do not “pass the peace” or loiter inside the church building.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Pastor Kara or Melinda by email or call the church and leave a message and we will get back to you. We are happy to take your questions.